The Ultimate Guide to Chinese Wording in Wedding Invitations
Planning to include a Chinese version of your Wedding Invitation but unsure where to start? Don’t worry! You’ve come to the right place. Our comprehensive guide will walk you through everything you need to know about what to include and how to format it so that all your relatives will be impressed!

The Basics
Chinese words in Wedding Invitations are formatted vertically, and are read from right to left. Details of the groom are always presented first before that of the bride.
The Chinese Wedding Invitation will minimally include the following:
- Wedding Date (according to the Gregorian Calendar)
- Wedding Date (according to the Lunar Calendar)
- Order of Birth (e.g. eldest son, youngest daughter) and Name of the Bride and Groom
- Names of the Parents (either just the name of the fathers, or the names of both fathers and mothers)
- Dinner Venue
- Time of Cocktail Reception
- Time of Dinner

Wedding Date
The invitation will start with the Gregorian Calendar date and the Lunar Calendar date. For example, if the wedding is on 18 November 2024, the wedding invite will state:
“阳历二零二三年十一月十八日 (星期六)
For your easy reference only, here is a list of the next few Chinese New Years:
Gregorian Calendar, Chinese Zodiac Animal, Lunar Year
10 Feb 2024 – 28 Jan 2025, Dragon, 甲辰
29 Jan 2025 – 16 Feb 2026, Snake, 已巳
17 Feb 2026 – 5 Feb 2027, Horse, 丙午
6 Feb 2027 – 25 Jan 2028, Sheep, 丁未
26 Jan 2028 – 12 Feb 2029, Monkey, 戊申
13 Feb 2029 – 2 Feb 2030, Rooster, 己酉
3 Feb 2030 – 22 Jan 2031, Dog, 庚戌
23 Jan 2031 – 10 Feb 2032, Pig, 辛亥
Order of Birth
If the wedding banquet is hosted by the parents, the names of the bride and groom are usually written without the surname. If both parents have passed away, then an elder member (e.g. father’s sibling) may host the banquet.
When the dinner is hosted by parents, the order of birth of the bride and groom will be included (e.g. “长男” and “次女”) as follows:
Eldest: 长
Second: 次
Third: 三
Fourth: 四
Fifth: 伍
Sixth: 六
Youngest: 幼
Names of the Parents
If both parents are hosting, Mr & Mrs “夫妇” will be used. If only the father is alive, then only Mr “先生” will be used. If only the mother is alive, the mother’s married name* followed by “女士” will be used.
* Married name refers to the maiden name including the husband’s surname. For instance, the married name is “洪陈丽丝女士” where “陈丽丝” is the maiden name and the husband’s surname is “洪”. If the mother is not using the husband’s surname, then you would need to add the surname before the bride or groom’s name.
If the wedding banquet is jointly hosted and paid by the bride and groom’s family, then both sets of names will be included, followed by “同敬约” to indicate co-hosting.
If the bride’s parents choose to invite close relatives and friends (and only uses the number of tables included as betrothal gifts), then only the groom’s parents’ name will be included, followed by “敬约”. The bride’s name will also not be written next to the groom’s. Instead, her parents’ names will be included after the groom’s name, before hers.
If the banquet is hosted by one of the paternal grandparents, the birth order and name of the late father can be included. For example, if it’s the wedding of his late eldest son’s second daughter, the invite will state “已故长子[名字]之次女[名字]”.
In addition, if the grandparents of the bride and groom are alive, their names can be included above the names of the parents. The invite will state “奉严命” if the grandfather is alive, and “奉慈命” if the grandmother is alive.
Venue & Time
You may choose to use Chinese or English for the address portion, depending on which would be more suitable and helpful for your guests.
The commencement time for cocktails, dinner and any other events should be clearly stated.

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Planning to include a Chinese version of your Wedding Invitation but unsure where to start?